Die neuesten Freelancer-Jobs aus 20 Portalen

CouchBoss.de bietet Freelacern, Heimarbeitern, digitalen Nomaden und Expats die passenden Aufträge als Webentwickler, Designer, Grafiker, Autor oder Marketing Experte. Wir haben die wichtigsten Quellen für Freelancer aus über 20 Portalen in Echtzeit* gelistet.




Projekte 24h


7 Tage


Looking for Corporate Identity design and website development vor 124.2 Wochen

vor 124.2 Wochen

A new professional services company looking for a new logo/corporate identity package as well as a sharp website up and running. Website is not be be more than 10 or so pages so it will be a fairly small and just about entirely a presentation site. Would like it to be very sound in the foundations with the right technology used...

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