Die neuesten Freelancer-Jobs aus 20 Portalen

CouchBoss.de bietet Freelacern, Heimarbeitern, digitalen Nomaden und Expats die passenden Aufträge als Webentwickler, Designer, Grafiker, Autor oder Marketing Experte. Wir haben die wichtigsten Quellen für Freelancer aus über 20 Portalen in Echtzeit* gelistet.




Projekte 24h


7 Tage


Creative Graphic Designer / Illustrator needed vor 105.9 Wochen

vor 105.9 Wochen

I am an advertising student currently seeking Graphic Designer to assist me with some designs for some of my projects. The first project is a fictional #SavetheBees print and digital ad campaign. I will need illustration done for this campaign as I would like to use the same illustrated bee in all of the ads. The second campaign...

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