Die neuesten Freelancer-Jobs aus 20 Portalen

CouchBoss.de bietet Freelacern, Heimarbeitern, digitalen Nomaden und Expats die passenden Aufträge als Webentwickler, Designer, Grafiker, Autor oder Marketing Experte. Wir haben die wichtigsten Quellen für Freelancer aus über 20 Portalen in Echtzeit* gelistet.




Projekte 24h


7 Tage


Need Logo Designer with creative concept vor 107.4 Wochen

vor 107.4 Wochen

I need a Logo designed as soon as possible.Please be someone that is very creative and can work off a few concepts I will send over to you.If applying please provide your work sample and be ready to chat about the projectThanksPLEASE DONT APPLY UNLESS YOU CAN PROVIDE SAMPLES AND ARE VERY CREATIVE!

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