Die neuesten Freelancer-Jobs aus 20 Portalen

CouchBoss.de bietet Freelacern, Heimarbeitern, digitalen Nomaden und Expats die passenden Aufträge als Webentwickler, Designer, Grafiker, Autor oder Marketing Experte. Wir haben die wichtigsten Quellen für Freelancer aus über 20 Portalen in Echtzeit* gelistet.




Projekte 24h


7 Tage


Need concept artist for a video production vor 107.2 Wochen

vor 107.2 Wochen

I am making an educational video which I want to illustrate with funny pictures from Google and ones which are knocked up on photoshop. I will give you the text of the course which will be readout. I want you to highlight words that might be googled to find the pictures, and where that doesnt work, make suggestions of appropri...

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