Die neuesten Freelancer-Jobs aus 20 Portalen

CouchBoss.de bietet Freelacern, Heimarbeitern, digitalen Nomaden und Expats die passenden Aufträge als Webentwickler, Designer, Grafiker, Autor oder Marketing Experte. Wir haben die wichtigsten Quellen für Freelancer aus über 20 Portalen in Echtzeit* gelistet.




Projekte 24h


7 Tage


Design and build a simple but professional looking WP Website vor 146.3 Wochen

vor 146.3 Wochen

I am looking for a great WP site to be designed and built using Wordpress.It can be based on a template. No more than 5 pages but structure so that I can add pages as needed.I will supply photos and copyMy target is small to medium sized business owners as I am in the management consulting space.You will need to have examples o...

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